P- Pennsylvania is the name of one of the sunken battleships.
E- Eight battleships were sunk in the Attack on Pearl Harbor these are the names of some of the battleships the Oklahoma and the Nevada.
A- After the Attack on Pearl Harbor the U.S. joined World War ll
R- Roosevelt called the Attack on Pearl Harbor ” a day that will live in infamy “.
L- Launching the Attack on Pearl Harbor was Japan.
H- Honolulu, Hawaii, marks the resting place of 1,102 of the 1,177 sailors and marines killed on the USS Arizona.
A- Arizona is the name of another sunken battleship.
R- Remember the sunken battleships here is the names of two of the sunken battleships the Maryland and the Tennessee.
B- Battleships that sunk was the West Virginia and the California and six other battleships sunk.
O- On December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed.
R- Remember the heroes like Dorris Miller.
Photo by: www.maguzz.com